Öko-Feldtage (Organic Field Days) 2025
From June 18 to June 19 2025 the fifth national Organic Field Days will be held at the organic farm Wassergut Canitz GmbH in Wasewitz-Thallwitz in the state of Saxony.
The Organic Field Days provide a unique combination of practice and research in organic agriculture and animal husbandry. The biennial event exhibits innovations and discusses current topics with farmers and representatives from politics and business.
The last four editions of the Organic Field Days took place in 2017, 2019, 2022 and 2023. Motivated by the overwhelming success of these events the well-established cooperation of partners behind the project will continue their work in 2023. The FiBL Projekte GmbH is the organiser of the Organic Field Days 2025 and is supported by its co-organisers – the Saxonian Ministry of Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture and its state institutes and the Foundation for Ecology and Agriculture (SÖL).
How it started
2017 more than 8000 visitors attended the first ever nationwide Öko-Feldtage in Germany. The Organic Field Days 2017 und 2019 took place at the Hessian state domain Frankenhausen, the teaching and test operation of the university of Kassel. The 2019 two-day event was attended by 11.000 visitors. One third of the visiting farmers worked in the conventional sector. The third Organic Field Days moved in 2022 to the Gladbacherhof (agricultural holding of the Hessian State) near the town of Villmar, where the University of Gießen operates its institute for research and experiments in organic agriculture. The last organic Field Days moved further south to the state of Baden-Württemberg and were held at the organic farm Grieshaber & Schmid in Ditzingen-Hirschlanden, close to Stuttgart. The next Organic Field Days will move to Saxony and will take place at the organic farm „Wassergut Canitz GmbH“ in Wasewitz-Thallwitz close to Leipzig – its main topic is agriculture and water conservation.
The Öko-Feldtage as a platform
The nationwide Öko-Feldtage (“Organic Field Days”) are a two-day meeting point for organically working farmers as well as all farmers interested in new methods for environmentally friendly agriculture. The event offers an ideal platform where current topics can be discussed with practitioners and representatives from politics and economy. The so called innovation show demonstrates the current state of organic farming and where it is heading.
Visitors can get a broad picture about innovations in agricultural technology, plant cultivation, animal husbandry and research. Companies, associations and organisations present seeds, crop varieties, agricultural technology, inputs, animal feed, stable constructions, consultancy services and much more. Unlike “classic” field days in Germany, the Organic Field Days include perspectives on livestock farming and animal husbandry. Combined in circular economy systems these are important components of organic agriculture. The Organic Field Days provide perspectives on the entire system of organic farming with innovative operating concepts, cultivation systems and modern animal husbandry in all its diversity.
Latest news on organic farming
The programme of the Öko-Feldtage presents the perfect mixture of practice and research and all the latest news on organic farming. The latest agricultural technology is on display in numerous machine demonstrations of hoes, including also GPS and camera-guided machines.
Many innovation examples show present prototypes and new developments. The latest findings on challenges such as the climate crisis, eco-breeding and animal welfare are discussed in forums by scientists and practitioners. In 2023, 350 exhibitors took part, companies, breeders, consultants and universities presented over 120 crops reaching from field beans to sugar beet and more than 20 innovations where introduced. Delicious culinary delights from regional organic caterers, live music and several opportunities for networking complete the programme.
key topics and machine demonstrations in an interview
(The video is in German, but you can add Englisch subtitles)
This interview video highlights key topics of the 2023 Organic Field Days such as irrigation, agri-photovoltaics and digitalisation in agricultural technology, which are promoted by and in Baden-Württemberg.

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Evaluation of the Öko-Feldtage 2023
Gelszus Trade fair Market Research questioned 95,5% of visitors as well as 60% of exhibitors are content and up to very content with the event. Almost half of the visitors are farmers, of whom more than half (69%) are organic farmers. The number of conventionally farming colleagues is decreasing compared to 2019 but rising compared to 2017. The proportion of visitors who want to convert their farm remains roughly the same at 11%. Of the 90 conventional farmers questioned, 3,5% are about to convert to organic farming. Besides farmers, representatives of associations and organisations and students make up the largest group of visitors.
(The video is in German, but you can add Englisch subtitles)

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This video gives you a professional and atmospheric impression of what made the 2023 Organic Field Days in Baden-Württemberg so special: networking and exchange between young and old, key topics, innovations and machine demonstrations, animal welfare, guided tours, specialist forums, panel discussions, cultural program, culinary delights from regional organic products and pure fun.


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