Was­ser­gut Canitz GmbH, 04808 Wasewitz

for orga­nic agriculture

Mee­ting point

June 18 – 19, 2025

Öko-Feldtage (Organic Field Days) 2025

From June 18 to June 19 2025 the fifth natio­nal Orga­nic Field Days will be held at the orga­nic farm Was­ser­gut Canitz GmbH in Wase­witz-Thall­witz in the sta­te of Saxony.

The Orga­nic Field Days pro­vi­de a uni­que com­bi­na­ti­on of prac­ti­ce and rese­arch in orga­nic agri­cul­tu­re and ani­mal hus­bandry. The bien­ni­al event exhi­bits inno­va­tions and dis­cus­ses cur­rent topics with far­mers and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from poli­tics and business.

The last four edi­ti­ons of the Orga­nic Field Days took place in 2017, 2019, 2022 and 2023. Moti­va­ted by the over­whel­ming suc­cess of the­se events the well-estab­lished coope­ra­ti­on of part­ners behind the pro­ject will con­ti­nue their work in 2023. The FiBL Pro­jek­te GmbH is the orga­nis­er of the Orga­nic Field Days 2025 and is sup­port­ed by its co-orga­nisers – the Saxo­ni­an Minis­try of Ener­gy, Cli­ma­te Pro­tec­tion, Envi­ron­ment and Agri­cul­tu­re and its sta­te insti­tu­tes and the Foun­da­ti­on for Eco­lo­gy and Agri­cul­tu­re (SÖL).

How it started

2017 more than 8000 visi­tors atten­ded the first ever nati­on­wi­de Öko-Feld­ta­ge in Ger­ma­ny. The Orga­nic Field Days 2017 und 2019 took place at the Hes­si­an sta­te domain Fran­ken­hau­sen, the tea­ching and test ope­ra­ti­on of the uni­ver­si­ty of Kas­sel. The 2019 two-day event was atten­ded by 11.000 visi­tors. One third of the visi­ting far­mers work­ed in the con­ven­tio­nal sec­tor. The third Orga­nic Field Days moved in 2022 to the Glad­ba­cher­hof (agri­cul­tu­ral hol­ding of the Hes­si­an Sta­te) near the town of Vill­mar, whe­re the Uni­ver­si­ty of Gie­ßen ope­ra­tes its insti­tu­te for rese­arch and expe­ri­ments in orga­nic agri­cul­tu­re. The last orga­nic Field Days moved fur­ther south to the sta­te of Baden-Würt­tem­berg and were held at the orga­nic farm Gries­ha­ber & Schmid in Dit­zin­gen-Hirsch­lan­den, clo­se to Stutt­gart. The next Orga­nic Field Days will move to Sax­o­ny and will take place at the orga­nic farm „Was­ser­gut Canitz GmbH“ in Wase­witz-Thall­witz clo­se to Leip­zig – its main topic is agri­cul­tu­re and water conservation.

The Öko-Feldtage as a platform

The nati­on­wi­de Öko-Feld­ta­ge (“Orga­nic Field Days”) are a two-day mee­ting point for orga­ni­cal­ly working far­mers as well as all far­mers inte­res­ted in new methods for envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly agri­cul­tu­re. The event offers an ide­al plat­form whe­re cur­rent topics can be dis­cus­sed with prac­ti­tio­ners and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from poli­tics and eco­no­my. The so cal­led inno­va­ti­on show demons­tra­tes the cur­rent sta­te of orga­nic far­ming and whe­re it is heading.

Visi­tors can get a broad pic­tu­re about inno­va­tions in agri­cul­tu­ral tech­no­lo­gy, plant cul­ti­va­ti­on, ani­mal hus­bandry and rese­arch. Com­pa­nies, asso­cia­ti­ons and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons pre­sent seeds, crop varie­ties, agri­cul­tu­ral tech­no­lo­gy, inputs, ani­mal feed, sta­ble con­s­truc­tions, con­sul­tancy ser­vices and much more. Unli­ke “clas­sic” field days in Ger­ma­ny, the Orga­nic Field Days include per­spec­ti­ves on live­stock far­ming and ani­mal hus­bandry. Com­bi­ned in cir­cu­lar eco­no­my sys­tems the­se are important com­pon­ents of orga­nic agri­cul­tu­re. The Orga­nic Field Days pro­vi­de per­spec­ti­ves on the enti­re sys­tem of orga­nic far­ming with inno­va­ti­ve ope­ra­ting con­cepts, cul­ti­va­ti­on sys­tems and modern ani­mal hus­bandry in all its diversity.

Latest news on organic farming

The pro­gram­me of the Öko-Feld­ta­ge pres­ents the per­fect mix­tu­re of prac­ti­ce and rese­arch and all the latest news on orga­nic far­ming. The latest agri­cul­tu­ral tech­no­lo­gy is on dis­play in num­e­rous machi­ne demons­tra­ti­ons of hoes, inclu­ding also GPS and came­ra-gui­ded machines.

Many inno­va­ti­on examp­les show pre­sent pro­to­ty­pes and new deve­lo­p­ments. The latest fin­dings on chal­lenges such as the cli­ma­te cri­sis, eco-bree­ding and ani­mal wel­fa­re are dis­cus­sed in forums by sci­en­tists and prac­ti­tio­ners. In 2023, 350 exhi­bi­tors took part, com­pa­nies, bree­ders, con­sul­tants and uni­ver­si­ties pre­sen­ted over 120 crops rea­ching from field beans to sugar beet and more than 20 inno­va­tions whe­re intro­du­ced. Deli­cious culina­ry delights from regio­nal orga­nic cate­rers, live music and seve­ral oppor­tu­ni­ties for net­wor­king com­ple­te the programme.

The 2023 Eco-Field Days in Baden-Württemberg -
key topics and machi­ne demons­tra­ti­ons in an interview

(The video is in Ger­man, but you can add Eng­lisch subtitles)

This inter­view video high­lights key topics of the 2023 Orga­nic Field Days such as irri­ga­ti­on, agri-pho­to­vol­taics and digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on in agri­cul­tu­ral tech­no­lo­gy, which are pro­mo­ted by and in Baden-Württemberg.


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Evaluation of the Öko-Feldtage 2023

Gels­zus Trade fair Mar­ket Rese­arch ques­tio­ned 95,5% of visi­tors as well as 60% of exhi­bi­tors are con­tent and up to very con­tent with the event. Almost half of the visi­tors are far­mers, of whom more than half (69%) are orga­nic far­mers. The num­ber of con­ven­tio­nal­ly far­ming col­le­agues is decre­asing com­pared to 2019 but rising com­pared to 2017. The pro­por­ti­on of visi­tors who want to con­vert their farm remains rough­ly the same at 11%. Of the 90 con­ven­tio­nal far­mers ques­tio­ned, 3,5% are about to con­vert to orga­nic far­ming. Bes­i­des far­mers, repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of asso­cia­ti­ons and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and stu­dents make up the lar­gest group of visitors.

The 2023 Orga­nic Field Days on the Gries­ha­ber & Schmid orga­nic farm in Baden-Württemberg

(The video is in Ger­man, but you can add Eng­lisch subtitles)


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This video gives you a pro­fes­sio­nal and atmo­sphe­ric impres­si­on of what made the 2023 Orga­nic Field Days in Baden-Würt­tem­berg so spe­cial: net­wor­king and exch­an­ge bet­ween young and old, key topics, inno­va­tions and machi­ne demons­tra­ti­ons, ani­mal wel­fa­re, gui­ded tours, spe­cia­list forums, panel dis­cus­sions, cul­tu­ral pro­gram, culina­ry delights from regio­nal orga­nic pro­ducts and pure fun.



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Would you like to find out more about the organic field days?

Visit us from June 18 to 19, 2025 at the organic farm Wassergut Canitz GmbH in Wasewitz-Thallwitz near Leipzig. We look forward to your visit!