Terrateck SAS


Ari­sing from an ongo­ing con­ver­sa­ti­on bet­ween our engi­nee­ring office and far­mers, TERRATK equip­ment is tail­o­red to the needs crea­ted by prac­ti­cal pro­blems encoun­te­red in the field. In the belief that agri­cul­tu­re is going to expe­ri­ence a deep trans­for­ma­ti­on over the next few years, our equip­ment gives pro­du­cers the sup­port they need in their dai­ly acti­vi­ties, thanks to our core values of qua­li­ty, pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and respect for natu­re and mankind.

Stand: B 4.4
Adres­se: 600 Rue Adam Gru­ne­wald, 62136 Lestrem 
Land: Frankreich